This year’s VBS theme is “The Great Jungle Journey- An Epic Cruise From Genesis to Revelation”. Kids ages 5 to 5th grade are invited to join us for a 3 day adventure as we grow in the word, play games and fellowship together right here at the church.

Ages: 5 to 5th Grade

Cost: $10 (non-refundable)

Location: Calvary Chapel La Mirada

Times: Thursday - 6:30pm-8:30pm | Friday and Saturday - 9:00am-2:30pm



We will be having a separate VBS program for toddlers ages 3 and 4 and potty-trained. Due to the limited number of spots and additional requirements, we will take sign ups for preschool VBS IN-PERSON only.


There is still time to sign up and volunteer for VBS 2024!


We are in need of items to out in our VBS Store for the kids to purchase with their VBS Tickets! Click the link below to see and purchase items we are in need of.